Product & Engineering
Every day, our team of experienced engineers works on a scalable and advanced booking platform for holiday parks. You will find with us specialisms such as backend, frontend, full stack and DevOps.
What we stand for
We believe in our formula: giving capable people confidence and responsibility to get exceptional work done in a reasonable time with as few distractions as possible.
In de eerste jaren van het bestaan van Booking Experts werkten er enkel engineers. 10 jaar later maken engineers nog steeds het grootste deel uit van de organisatie (ook vertegenwoordigd bij de directie en eigenaren). Als gevolg daarvan is Booking Experts nog steeds tech-minded en dat willen we zo houden!
We do everything we can to get you into the flow-state so that you can get the best out of yourself. This is reflected in the tools you choose to get the job done. MacBooks, big screens, noise-cancelling headphones. The ability to completely seclude yourself in the office.
No workaholics
We appreciate a quiet and calm company. You will have almost no meetings or interruptions such as urgent emails or chats. We believe 8 hours a day is enough time to get your work done.
Requests a day
Volume in payments
Milliseconds average response time
Tasting the atmosphere at Product & Engineering
The Product & Engineering Team at Booking Experts consists of highly experienced but also start-up engineers. There are many different areas of expertise within back-end, front-end, DevOps and full stack. Our engineers mention that they like the fact that you can have a real impact with the projects you work on. From our support team, feedback comes in directly from end-users. You work individually but can spar with your colleagues whenever you feel the need. You also have no direct customer contact, so you can fully get into the zone while working. Of course, you can always spend a day with your support colleagues when this is supportive of your project. The possibilities are endless.
The basis of Booking Experts has always been engineering and that focus is still visible. The management is technically savvy themselves, which makes substantive consultation easy and allows you to deviate from the original plan if you have found a better solution. Moreover, the work you do is not imposed from above either; you yourself have real input into the projects you take on. Our engineers consider this a great advantage.
We think it is important that you have a good workplace both at home and in the office. Our engineers therefore like this! As do the flexibility in working hours and the home/office ratio. Moreover, at the office, you are completely taken care of with fruit, lunch and plenty of hot and cold drinks. Chocomel is named a big plus by our colleague Rob. We will gladly prepare your favourite drink for you!
In short: backend, frontend, full stack and DevOps. Jumbo, Broodbode and Broodje Tango. Ruby on Rails, Terraform, Github and K8S. Coffee, tea, Source sparkling and Chocomel. University of Twente, Saxion, ROC van Twente, HAN. Together we make Team Product & Engineering!